Kongscut Land Trust
Diamond Lake Watershed26
Parent Preserve19 acres

Glastonbury, CT
This is comprised of:
Description: These parcels comprise the south end of Diamond Lake and it's southern shoreline, namely the lake bottom south end, and a 25 foot wide buffer along the shore. It also includes a small parcel just south of the diamond Lake swimming beach. The spillway outflow of Flat Brook. Is owned by KLT but maintained by the Diamond Lake Assn. The south end of the Lake is relatively shallow, ranging from 3' to 10' in depth. The lake supports a healthy population of sunfish perch and. turtles. Water-lilies grow in the shallow areas. There was an active beaver lodge near the south end around 2000 but the beavers are no longer in residence. KLT also holds a conservation easement (together with the town of Glastonbury) 100 feet wide from the edge of the lake.
Notable Features:
Conservation Purpose: To protect Diamond Lake water quality.
Deed Restrictions: The dry land portions are encumbered by a Town of Glastonbury standard conservation easement, which prohibits all building and cutting of trees and shrubs.
Preserve Management: Standard policy applies.
Acquisition Date:
Acquisition History: These parcels were granted to Diamond Lake Land Trust in connection with the residential subdivision of the former Zola orchard around 1989 (Diamond Ridge Subdivision) DLLT transferred these properties to KLT Feb. 2009.

The Kongscut Land Trust, Inc. is a nonprofit land trust approved by the Internal Revenue Service to receive donations of land, money and conservation easements which are tax deductible to the maximum extent permitted by law. Donations or inquiries should be directed to the president or any other member of the Board of Directors.